Monday, March 17, 2014

Egg and Cheese Crepes


Protein packed crepes filled with more protein of eggs and cheese

Egg and Cheese Crepes:  Protein packed crepes filled with more protein of eggs and cheese.

Crepes are surprisingly simple to make and, no, you don't need special equipment.  A regular 8-10 inch nonstick frying pan works just fine.  I was hungry for breakfast but hadn't gotten groceries in a while so my fridge was pretty bare. I had eggs, American cheese, and milk. I have mentioned before that I don't really like eggs unless they are hidden by other flavors so I decided to use them in crepes and smother them in cheese. This turned out to be a very eggy breakfast because crepes are mostly eggs and then my filling was also eggs but I loved it. It was very tasty and very filling.  This was a meatless and protein packed breakfast.

Egg and Cheese Crepes:  Protein packed crepes filled with more protein of eggs and cheese.

Egg and Cheese Crepes

Egg and Cheese Crepes:  Protein packed crepes filled with more protein of eggs and cheese.


Sourdough crepes batter or your regular crepe batter
3-4 eggs
American cheese slices or shredded cheese of your choice
Salt & pepper
1 cup frozen chopped spinach, thawed (optional)
Hot sauce (optional)
Assorted spices (optional)

Egg and Cheese Crepes:  Protein packed crepes filled with more protein of eggs and cheese.

Mix together the crepe batter and set aside.

In a separate bowl, beat the eggs and some milk (about 1/4-1/2 cup) until thoroughly mixed.  Season with salt and pepper and add any optional ingredients you like.  (I always add hot sauce to my scrambled eggs, and onion and garlic powder. The spinach gives this a little more nutrition but it's fine without.  If you have left over ham or chicken you can add that too.) Set aside.

Heat a non stick frying pan over medium heat and rub with butter or oil.  Pour one ladle full of the crepe batter on to the center of the hot pan.

Pick up the pan and rotate it spreading the batter into a wider circle until the batter no longer moves.  A great picture tutorial, from, is here.  Place the pan back on the burner.

Gently run a spatula along the edges of the crepe to loosen.  When the batter is set and no longer shiny lift and flip the crepe.

Once crepe is flipped, pour about 1/4 cup of the egg mixture on to the crepe and top with some cheese.  Wait for the egg mixture to get mostly set and the cheese to slightly melt, then, fold the crepe in half.  Slide out of the pan onto a plate and fold in half again.

Repeat the process until all of the batter and egg mixture is used.  Makes about 5-6 crepes.


Egg and Cheese Crepes:  Protein packed crepes filled with more protein of eggs and cheese.

Linked to:  Random Recipe Roundup, Much Ado About Monday, Two Cup Tuesday, Tasty Tuesday, Brag About It, Whimsy Wednesday, Eat Create Party, Freedom Friday, Best of the Weekend, Show Stopper, Shine a Spotlight, Saturday Night Fever

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