
Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Tropical Fruit Salad

A fruit salad made with pineapple, mango, and banana tossed in coconut milk.

Tropical Fruit Salad:  A fruit salad made with pineapple, mango, and banana tossed in coconut milk.

First I must tell you that I will be out of town for 2 weeks and will not post during this time so see you in 2 weeks.  Now back to the fruit salad.

For those of you who do not know it's mango season.  Yes you can buy them in stores, but one of my favorite things about being in Hawaii is that they grow all over.  My husband passes a park on his way to work (he bikes) that has lots of big mango trees.  Apparently no one picks the fruit and it just piles on the ground and rots where it falls.  What a waste (at least birds and other animals are happy).  So my husband has been bringing some mangos home with him, any that fall to the side of the road and are fresh, usually they are perfectly ripe or will ripen in a few days.   For the past 2 weeks we have had fresh mango on hand.  They are great in smoothies, but I wanted a fruit salad so this is my creation.


1/2 Pineapple, cubed (about 2 cups)
2 large bananas, sliced
2 mangos, chopped
1/4-1/2 cup coconutmilk

The most difficult part of this salad is cutting up all the fruit.  I eat pineapples and mangos so often now that this is simple.  There are plenty of tutorials online to show you how it's done if you need help.  The work is well worth it.

In a large bowl toss the fruit together to combine.  Then add the coconut milk and toss to coat.  I sweetened the coconut milk a little (1 cup powdered sugar to an entire can) you can too or not what ever you prefer.  If you feel a little naughty add some coconut flavored rum to the mix for an adult salad.

This serves two and makes a great afternoon snack, a dessert, or accompaniment to an evening meal.  I also used this salad as the filling for my Sourdough Crepes.

You can double this recipe, I just had to wait for more mangos to ripen, if you have leftover salad it makes a great blended drink or smoothie.  Just add some milk, yogurt, or kefir then blend until smooth.  You can add some coconut rum and have a delicious cocktail. The picture is not great, but I was much more interested in drinking it; the photo was just an after thought.


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