
Sunday, January 6, 2013

Bacon Wrapped Potato Wedges

A delicious football snack made with soft potato wedges wrapped with crispy bacon.


Bacon Wrapped Potato Wedges:  A delicious football snack made with soft potato wedges wrapped with crispy bacon.

Best football snack ever, or at least (that I've made) so far.  I think I've mentioned that I love bacon, these little wedges are awesome.  I parboiled small potato wedges, tossed them in oil and spices, wrapped with raw bacon and baked until the bacon became crispy.  The bacon wrapping part took the most time, but it was well worth it, these were a huge hit.  The potato was soft and warm while the bacon was nice and crisp, a great combination.  And it used some of the 20 pound bag of potatoes we got around Thanksgiving (we have made big pots of mashed potatoes twice, baked potatoes a few times, scalloped potatoes and more. We are down to only 2 potatoes now, yay.)

Bacon Wrapped Potato Wedges


2-3 large potatoes
1 lb bacon (about 1 1/2 lbs)
garlic powder
olive oil

Cut the potatoes into small wedges.  (I had huge potatoes so I cut them in half crosswise then each half into 8 pieces lengthwise, maybe more for some of the bigger pieces and I left the peel on.)  Then, boil the potatoes for just a few minutes until barely soft (about 2-3 minutes or less depending on the size of your pieces).

When the potatoes finish boiling, drain immediately and rinse with cold water.  Toss the wedges in spices and olive oil (the oil is only to help the spices stick to the potatoes).  Wrap each wedge with 1/2 slice of bacon, secure with toothpick (the toothpicks also make picking up and eating easier) and place on a baking sheet.

Bake in a 425F oven for 20 minutes, then broil for about 5-10 minutes (keep watch on the wedges during broiling you want them to get browned but not burn).  Carefully remove the wedges from the pan an place on a napkin to absorb some grease and cool.  Serve with ranch or sour cream for dipping.  Makes 32-48 wedges (you are only limited by how many potatoes you cut and how much bacon you have).  

These were awesome, I prepared 2 pans of 24 wedges but we did not have as many people for the game as we thought, so I only baked 1 pan.  I put the second pan in the freezer and then bagged the wedges once frozen.  I will try baking these from frozen sometime.  Everybody loved them.

*update:  I thawed the frozen wedges overnight and then baked them as above.  They were still great.


Linked to:  Mums Make Lists


  1. What a yummy idea, Joy! I haven't tried boiling my potato wedges before baking them and will have to give it a try. And of course the bacon wrap. I'm certain that's delicious :)

  2. Thanks Julie. The bacon wrap is where it's at :)
