
Saturday, January 5, 2013

Bacon Egg and Cheese Sandwich

A great breakfast sandwich on Potato Garlic Bread with bacon, egg, and creamy Boursin cheese.

I love bacon.  Growing up I rarely got to eat much bacon.  I grew up in a family of 6.  My mom would only occasionally cook bacon (only on rare weekends), and when it came to eating the bacon, being the youngest, I only got a few strips and always wanted more.  Now that I'm older, I cook the bacon and it's only me and my husband so there is plenty of bacon to go around.  Unfortunately, I care more about healthy eating now so I try not to make and eat bacon all the time but I still like to make it for breakfast on some weekends.  One sure way to get my husband out of bed on a Saturday or Sunday is to wake him with the smell of cooking bacon.

This is my most recent breakfast creation.  It isn't anything fancy, just a bacon, egg, and cheese sandwich with my own twist.  Along with bacon (we usually buy a 5 pound pack, of individually packaged 1 pound packs from Costco) we usually have some Boursin cheese in our freezer.  Boursin cheese is creamy and crumbly and very tasty on breads or crackers.  I had Potato Garlic Bread to use as the base of the sandwich and garlic and herb Boursin.  I blended the Boursin with a little mayonnaise in order to make it more easily spreadable.  Here is my basic recipe.


4 slices of bread, toasted
1/2 lb bacon
1 package Boursin cheese, any flavor
1-2 Tbsp mayonnaise
fried egg(s)

First cook the bacon.  I like to fry it in a cast iron  pan (over low temperature to keep the pieces flat).  I have noticed when they cook too high and fast they get all curled and are more difficult to put on a sandwich.  I usually fry them at a higher temperature when I don't care if they stay flat or not.  I also like to pour the grease out of the pan between each batch, I think that this helps keep the pieces from curling and it prevents splashes of hot grease. Lay cooked bacon on a napkin to absorb some of the grease.

Meanwhile, prepare the cheese.  Drop an, unwrapped, pack of Boursin into a food processor with the metal chopping blade.  Add the mayonnaise a little at a time while pulsing until cheese becomes smooth and easily spreadable.

Next, toast the bread and smear each piece with the cheese spread.  Layer on the bacon (the cheese helps the bacon adhere to the bread so that it doesn't fall off while eating), top with a fried egg, and finish with the final piece of bread.  This is enough for 2 sandwiches but you will have left over cheese spread to enjoy with more bread or crackers.  I do not like eggs so I just had a bacon and cheese sandwich and it was great.  Pair with fruit and milk or coffee for a complete meal.


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