
Sunday, March 17, 2013

How to Make Salsa

A tutorial on how to make a quick salsa with tomatoes, onion, cilantro, jalapenos and lime juice chopped fine in a food processor.

How to Make Salsa:  A tutorial on how to make a quick salsa with tomatoes, onion, cilantro, jalapenos and lime juice chopped fine in a food processor.

I don't know how I lived for so long with out a food processor.  I love fresh salsa and can sit and eat chips and salsa for hours.  Homemade salsa is so good, it is fresh and there are no preservatives and no added sugar (unless you want to add it).  A food processor takes seconds to chop up and mix all the ingredients and voila you have fresh salsa.  The variations are endless and you can make it as spicy, or not, as you choose.  Here is my basic salsa recipe.


4 jalapenos
2 cloves garlic
1/4-1/2 cup red onion
1 bunch cillantro
6 tomatoes
1 lime, juice

Pulse the jalapenos and garlic a few times first until they are chopped fine.  This time I left the seeds in all of the jalapenos for a very hot salsa (you can remove the seeds or use less for your taste, be careful when opening the food processor after you have minced the peppers because you will be hit in the face with some pepper gas).

Then, on top of the peppers pile in the cilantro, onions (I used shallots because I had them), and tomatoes.

Pulse until every thing is chopped

Add salt and lime juice to taste and stir.

Refrigerate until ready to eat, this will keep for about a week, but it usually only lasts a few days.  Enjoy.

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