
Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Swedish Meatballs

Tender and delicious meatballs in a creamy gravy.  I literally licked my plate clean.

Swedish Meatballs:  Tender and delicious meatballs in a creamy gravy.  I literally licked my plate clean.

*updated post 12/21/15 pinnable images, new pics, tweetables, minor editing, etc.
Swedish Meatballs are the Christmas dinner tradition for my husband's family.  I had never had them until I met him (my family usually had ham or turkey for our Christmas dinners) and I did not know what I was missing.  Now it doesn't seem like Christmas without them.

It's not the #holidays w/o #SwedishMeatballs [Tweet this]
Swedish Meatballs:  Tender and delicious meatballs in a creamy gravy.  I literally licked my plate clean.

These bite-sized meatballs are made primarily with beef and pork, but sometimes also lamb and veal.  The lamb and veal add their own distinct properties to the meatballs, but they can be more difficult to obtain and can be left out.  The meatballs rest in a cream based, beefy, and gently spiced gravy that is indescribably delicious.  They are messy to make but well worth the meat covered hands.  Best of all my husband is in charge of making them, so no work for me. This is a very rich (in flavor) and delicious dish to have on special occasions. (I always get a small plate of a few meatballs to sample before everything is done.  That is the plate I lick clean...not at the dinner table. I do have some table manners.)

You'll want to #licktheplateclean with these #SweedishMeatballs  [Tweet this]
Swedish Meatballs:  Tender and delicious meatballs in a creamy gravy.  I literally licked my plate clean.

Sweedish Meatballs

Servings:  6-8


1 cup minced onion
2 1/2 lbs meat mixture
1 cup bread crumbs
3 eggs, slightly beaten
1 1/2 cups half/half
2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp dried dill
1/4 tsp black pepper
1/4 tsp ground nutmeg
1/4 tsp ground allspice
1/4 tsp ground cardamom
3 Tbsp butter
1/3 cup flour
2-10 1/2 oz cans beef broth
1 cup whipping cream
1/2 tsp dried dill

Swedish Meatballs:  Tender and delicious meatballs in a creamy gravy.  I literally licked my plate clean.

Cook onion in 1 Tbsp butter and allow to cool.

Combine meat, bread crumbs, eggs, half/half, spices, and onions.  Roll into bite-sized balls (you can also use a small icecream scoop...just scoop and drop) and heat in the oven at 400 degrees F for about 15 minutes.

Melt 3 Tbsp butter in a large skillet, stir in flour.  gradually whisk in broth.  Cook at medium, stirring constantly until thickened.  stir in whipping cream and 1/2 tsp dill.  Simmer.

When meatballs are heated combine them, and pan drippings with the gravy. Allow the meatballs to simmer in the gravy for about 15 more minutes.

The meatballs are ready to eat immediately but tastes best if you let them set in the gravy overnight.

Makes 6-8 servings.

Swedish Meatballs:  Tender and delicious meatballs in a creamy gravy.  I literally licked my plate clean.

What to serve with Swedish Meatballs?  Mashed potatoes of course but check out these other ideas:

Sweet Dill Glazed Carrots:  Tender orange carrots cooked in a butter, brown sugar, and dill sauce.  A colorful and flavorful vegetable side dish.
Easy Crescent Rolls:  Soft, yeasty, buttery rolls rolled into crescent shapes.  They make great dinner rolls, sandwich rolls, or snacks.
    Easy Crescent Rolls    -
Sauteed Kale:  Warm kale sauteed until tender and flavored with onions, garlic, and balsamic vinegar.
         Sauteed Kale        -


  1. I missed out on Swedish meatballs this year but for lots of other tasty meats. I noticed the Aqavit in the background. Fun night?

    1. We did have a fun night. Too bad you didn't get any meatballs, but you can always stop at IKEA when you get back. You will have to tell me all about what you had with your family.
