
Monday, December 10, 2012

Mint Chocolate Macaroons

These, lighter, cookies are great for those who do not want too much butter over the holidays.  Made with egg whites, fresh coconut, and chocolate, with mint extract these cookies are fresh and delicious.

I finally picked up a whole coconut, in China Town.  I got the vendor to cut it in half for me so it would be a little easier to manage, then I (well actually my husband) cut out the meat.  This was not an easy thing to do, but there are some videos on youtube that make it look so simple.  Here is my favorite (I love the song).  Anyway, once we got the meat from the shell I rinsed it and shredded it (food processor made this easy).  Now for the Macaroon recipe.

I started with a basic macaroon recipe, replaced the vanilla extract with mint extract, and added melted chocolate.


2 egg whites
1/2 tsp mint extract
2/3 cup sugar
1 1/2 cup shredded coconut (I probably used close to 2 cups, all of my coconut)
4 oz bittersweet chocolate, melted

Beat egg whites and extract until soft peaks form then add sugar slowly and continue beating until stiff peaks form (a stand mixer works great here).  Then fold in the remaining ingredients (make sure chocolate isn't too hot).  Drop by teaspoon full onto a parchment lined cookie sheet.  Bake in 325 degree oven for 15-20 minutes until set.  Let cookies cool on pan for at least 5 minutes before removing to a cooling rack.  Makes 30.
Wow, these turned out great. The chocolate gives them a brownie-like flavor with chewiness from the coconut and cool, freshness of mint.  A wonderful holiday treat.  Enjoy.

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